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👋 Hi there! We're excited you're here.

By contributing, you are agreeing that we may redistribute your work under this license.

Development process

The cnb-tools project is tracked with issues and pull requests (PR). To contribute, modify the project in your own fork and issue a PR once you are ready for other devs to review and discuss.

Here is a typical contribution workflow:

  1. (optional) Assign issue

    See a bug or feature you'd like to handle? Go ahead and assign yourself! That way, no duplicated effort will be done. This will also let the community that there is some activity with the ticket.

  2. If you're a first-time contributor:

    Create your own copy of cnb-tools by clicking on Fork on the main repository on GitHub. Then, clone the project to your local machine and add the upstream repository:

    git clone<your-username>/cnb-tools.git
    cd cnb-tools
    git remote add upstream
  3. (if applicable) Sync fork with upstream

    Navigate to your fork on GitHub and select Sync fork above the list of files. Review the details of the upstream commits as needed, then click Update branch.

  4. Branch off main and develop your contribution

    Ensure main is up-to-date in your local dev, then create a new feature branch. We recommend prefixing the new branch name with either bug or feat — depending on what you're working on - followed by its GitHub tracking number:

    git checkout main && git pull
    git checkout -b <feat/bug-123> main

    If there is not an associating GitHub ticket, use a concise descriptive title, like:

  5. Document your changes

    Document your contribution by adding or updating the docstrings as necessary. The format we follow is the Google-style docstrings.

  6. Push changes to fork

    If this is the first time pushing the feature branch to the fork:

    git push --set-upstream origin <feat/bug-123>

    For subsequent pushes:

    git push
  7. Open a PR to upstream main once ready

    Follow our PR template. Someone from the Sage Challenges & Benchmarking team will then review, and either approve + merge or requests changes.

Code style

cnb-tools uses flake8 to enforce PEP 8 styling consistency and to check for possible errors. We recommend setting up your editor to follow PEP 8 for a more seamless contribution experience.


The documentation uses MkDocs, mkdocstrings, and the Material theme. All docs are located in the ./docs directory and are written in Markdown format.

  • To add a new page:

    Create a Markdown file in ./docs, then add the page to the nav setting in ./mkdocs.yml.

  • To insert docstrings information:

    Use ::: identifer, where identifer is the name of the package/module/class you want to insert information for:

    # Insert docstring for package
    ::: my_package
    # Insert docstring for module
    ::: my_package.my_module
    # Insert docstring for class
    ::: my_package.my_module.MyClass

    You can also change how the docstring is rendered by adding options - read its docs for more details.

  • To add an animated terminal window:

    Add <!-- termynal --> before the code block.

    For the "typing" effect, prefix the line with $.

  • To test your changes:

    Build a local docs site that will auto-reload with any changes:

mkdocs serveINFO - Building documentation...
INFO - Cleaning site directory
INFO - Documentation built in 0.51 seconds
INFO - [10:20:58] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO - [10:20:58] Serving on

         This will serve the documentation on


More info coming soon